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What sets us apart from the rest is our visionary goal & truly unique designs that are specially curated to perfection for our clients.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sed, adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua ut enim ad.


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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet sed, adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua ut enim ad.

my name is amir

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See our exceptional and advanced services that cover a broad spectrum of visualization solutions.

archtecture visualization

We give voice to yet unbuilt architecture. Our architectural design communication services include creating stills images, animations and interactive experiences. Through these, we help our partners relay their vision, enhance their brand image, and shape the built environment of the future. Go to gallery

Product visualization

We craft spectacular digital content by merging artistry with the latest technologies. The range of services offered covers the entire range of 3D production solutions, as well as AR/VR and various interactive content. more

Innovative Ideas

We try to make innovative solutions for old problems harnessing new technologies in CGI.

  • 3dily
  • Bazdidan
  • Polygoncity
  • polygony.ir
  • Agora
  • Dibarg

Building spaces for every purpose since 2005

Well-established and experienced in many fields.

Realized projects

Regional offices

Years of experience

Team members